Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hoodies Yo!

With rockin' Droid hoodies like this, how can we NOT be the best Reach the Beach Mass team?! 48 Hours til race time!! Who's ready?!

1 comment:

  1. Now there's nothing wrong with this, really. Hoodies are a very comfortable and utilitarian garment. They're soft and warm (at least the fleece-lined ones are) and that hood part of the hoodie sure comes in handy if it rains.

    But let's face it: Hoodies are the uniform of urban hipsters and I am hardly that. In fact, I'm probably about a quarter of a century to old to be wearing them. There should be some kind of automatic alarm with an electric shock that keeps people my age out of The Gap and Old Navy. But still I buy them.

    Hoodies Suppliers
